Please remember to take the parking ticket with you in order to use pre-pay stations. If no cashier is present, and a ticket is pulled to raise the gate, parking fees may be paid at pre-paid stations on Street and Terrace levels with debit or credit card. When a cashier is present, the $15 payment can be made by Cash or Card. Take elevators down to the Street (S) level to access the outdoor plaza leading to the Theatre.Parking Fees for Accessible parkers are the same as all other spaces. Patrons parking in Accessible spaces must display required placard or license plates.Note: There is a height limitation of 6 feet, 8 inches for all vehicles entering the Parkade. This 11-story structure, located at 1st Avenue and A Street accommodates 1,150 parking spaces, with accessible spaces on every floor.Jones Parkade for most events when you make your ticket purchase.

You may purchase tickets in advance for the Evan V.